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You're viewing Cruis'n USA Cheat Codes

Game Name : Cruis'n USA
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2007-10-27 11:40:48
Views : 25338

Secret Stages
At the Choose Race screen, hold the following for hidden courses:
L Button + Left C + Down CGolden Gate Park
L Button + Up C + Right CIndiana
L Button + Right C + Down CSan Francisco

3 New Cars
On the car selection screen, hold the top, bottom, and left C buttons. While your holding these buttons, scroll through the 4 cars. Three of them will be replaced with a school bus, an ATV, and a police car.

Flashing Lights
Complete a course and get a top 10 time on it. After you get your initials up there, press down until you see the conveyor, then press left. After 30 seconds of holding left, you will see a head go by and it will say ''I love this job'' Now select the Police Car or the School Bus (see the hidden car code on this page) and press BRAKE, BRAKE, GAS while in the race to activate it. The school bus has flashing lights...but the Police Car has cooler flashing lights AND a siren!

Nitro Boosting
During any race, achieve a time that makes the top ten list of scores for that level. Now, scroll down to the bottom of the screen, and hold the control stick to the left for about thirty seconds. A person's head will roll on the conveyor belt when done correctly. Now, select a car that is fully powered-up and begin a race. Every checkpoint you travel through earns you one Nitro boost. To use this boost, press brake, brake, brake, gas, brake, and gas.

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